Monday, 7 March 2011

No rest for the wicked!

So today is my first blog entry, how exciting! I'm hoping that this blog will enable me to vent and express how i'm feeling on daily basis.

Life as a Tracy Anderson Trainer can often be tiring but i won't complain as i get to train interesting people each day and generally have free time to focus on my passion...Music!

My day consisted of Work and giving my room a spring clean as i feel that being in a neat, organised environment helps clear your mind of distraction.
I managed to write 3/4's of a song which i will most definitely finish tomorrow and write another!
A moment ago I sang what i had written to my Mum and she loved it! I'm pretty sure she wins the trophy for my #1 Fan.
It really is amazing knowing that my Family and loved ones are so supportive of my career choice and have always been there pushing, encouraging and showing that they're behind me 100%.

Its 2011 and im stopping at nothing to make it a productive year and already, ive made some positive movements in the right direction. The weeks and days are flying by and time stops for no one so in the wise words of my elder brother "Lets get busy!!"

1 comment:

  1. Keep it going Zerita... we're supporting you every step of the way!!! you're amazing and we believe in you.x
