Thursday, 17 March 2011

Jamming Session with the Family!

This evening my brother and sister in law come over for dinner and we ended up discussing my music over the table. I got a little defensive because my brother insisted that "song writing is NOT difficult" and no it's not difficult all the time but there are days when nothing comes to mind and you're just uninspired!

I wanted to put his statement to the test so I decided to invent a song writing game...
The game consisted of me selecting 4 instrumentals of popular songs that i had on my computer and we all had to choose a group topic to write about . All we had was a pen, paper and our creativity! Let the lyrics flow!!!

My family were able to see the creative process of writing and It ended up being so much fun! They all had such great ideas (which will conveniently end up in my song book haha)

After our song writing challenge, I showcased a few of the songs I had written last week and they gave me such great feedback, I was really chuffed :)

I felt that over the last few days, my job had been taking centre stage leaving my music behind the scenes! I have definitely been lacking in motivation in regards to writing and tonight has absolutely opened a chapter for me...

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed the Hamilton Family jamming session. It must have been like the Von Trapps! LOL God post.
